integrative medicine
In general, most people do not chew the foods well, they rather inhale the food. In proper chewing (at least 10 times) the saliva gets mixed with the foods, reducing the burden on the gastro-intestinal tracts to break down the food. If health is compounded with weak digestion and/or malabsorption and chewing is challenged with an infection of the esophagus, juicing is a viable alternative.
Choose fruits in season as there is less chance of preservatives. Fruits that come from far away are plucked before they are ripe and treated with chemicals to induce ripening. It is best to buy tropical fruits in summer. Always peel the skin of the fruit or vegetable and remove seeds before juicing.
Commercial juices
Fresh vs. Commercial juices (pasteurized)
Another option is to store it in a pre-chilled thermos. You will be available to store it in the thermos outside the refrigerator for a full day. If the juice has oxidized, it will have a “tingling”sensation or a “bite”. In extremes cases it could have foul smell or coagulation of juices. Personally, I would not recommend purchasing fresh juices, stored in ice that is in available in see through plastic cups at many cafes or restaurants. Due to the transparent cup and expose to light, air (as the cover is already pierced to insert a straw) oxidation has been going on for a while. Plus you have no idea when the “fresh” juice was extracted.
Combining juices
There are some exceptions in juicing. Avoid mixing acidic fruits, lemons, grapefruits, oranges, etc. with other fruits. It can curdle the other juices in your gastro-intestinal contributing to fermenting of the foods. Fermentation contributes to flatulence. However apple and lemon are synergistically used in salads preparation as they can cross over the fruit/vegetable line (the digestive enzyme, malic acid in apple can cross the liquid to solid group). Lemons juice is sprinkled over salads.
Color of life
1. Red food is excellent for digestion (boost digestive fire) and heating the body. This is known as ‘agni’ in Ayurvedic or ‘yang’ energy in Chinese Medicine. Examples of these foods are beets, watermelon, radish, tomatoes, cherries, red cabbage, red pepper, hot pepper, etc.
2. Orange food is anti-spasmodic and good for pains and cramps. It strengthens the lungs and general respiratory system. It is known for its properties of vitality and mental clarity. Emotionally, the color orange is synonymous with joy and expansiveness. Examples of the foods are oranges, tangerines, carrots, apricots, pumpkin, etc.
3. Yellow food is a motor stimulant. Helps you get the day started especially in the morning. It helps strengthens digestion, nerves, and minimizes constipation. Foods in this category are lemon, lime, pineapple, grapefruit, peach, banana, mango, papaya, corn and yellow squash.
4. Green food is a blood cleanser, bactericide, alkalinizes and nerve tonic/natural tranquilizer. Excellent choices are all green leafy foods such as sprouts, wheat grass, barley, kamut, Green +. Green drinks are great when you are exhausted. Green + is one of my favorites. It is packed with vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids, co-enzymes, cell salts, standardized herbs, botanical extracts, soluble and insoluble plant fibre from organic, nutrient and alkaline -forming foods. It can be mixed with water or juices.
5. Blue food is ideal for headaches, spiritual and mental work. It is cooling to the body and strong in ‘yin’ properties. Good choices are blueberry, grape, plum, celery, asparagus and nuts.
Quantity of juice
Fresh juices, are concentrated forms of foods. It is a challenge to eat five carrots or four oranges in one meal, so be moderate in your consumption. Think of your juices as a meal. Stick to one or two cups most a day. Remember that fruit juices are also high in fruit sugar. Sip your juice, versus gulping it down in one mouthful.
Blends and pulp
Apple + pear, apple + pear + pineapple, orange + pineapple, apple + watermelon, apple + prune, apple + cranberry, apple + grape, carrot + beets, carrot + beets + orange, grapefruit + orange, grapefruit + orange + cherry, carrot + celery + parsley, cucumber + watermelon, etc. Use your imagination. Some juicers separate the pulp and some do not.
Each fruit juice has specific properties. It is know that grapefruit is an inhibitor of the P450 pathway in the liver and can affect certain medications. Speak to your pharmacist if you are on medications and consume grapefruit. In general most fruits have a cleansing effects on the system. The high water content of fruits flushes the digestive tract, kidney and purifies the bloodstream.
Citrus fruits such as lemon, lime, pineapple and grapefruit have a strong solvent effect on the system. These fruits also have a strong effect in flushing the body of mucous build-up and purging effect on the liver and gallbladder. Pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain. Bromelain encourages the secretion of hydrochloric acid which assist in the digestion of proteins.
Grape has a strong cleansing effect. Use the natural seeded variety. It is advised to dilute grape juice before consuming. It is said that Concord grapes are the strongest.
Apples are excellent for intestinal cleaning. The malic acid and galacturonic acid in apples remove toxins. Pectin in apples prevents fermentation of protein in gastro-intestinal tract. In addition apples act as a bulking agent in the intestine.
Cranberry, parsley and watermelon have diuretic properties. Cranberry is effective for urinary tract infection. It bitter taste is beneficial to the kidneys. Watermelon has a high alkaline fluid, which neutralizes acids and flushes toxins out of the kidneys.
The rind of watermelon can also be used in juicing. Prune and apricot are good for constipation and improving bowel movement. Beet is also excellent for enriching blood and flushing the kidneys. Recommend to juice one beet per day, as it has strong cleansing action.
Cabbage juice is good for the stomach, soothing for ulcers and gas. Cucumbers have a cooling effect and are good for the kidneys; it has stimulating effect on the kidneys. Spinach and kale are hard on the kidney as it is high in oxalic acid. It stimulates peristalsis of the alimentary canal.
Aloe vera tones the intestinal tract, detoxifies the bloodstream and lymphatic system. It is recommended not to drink more than an ounce or two ounces of Aloe juice per day. Too much Aloe can cause diarrhea.
Recommended books
1. C. Calbom and M. Keane. Juicing for Life
2. S. Meyerowitz. Juice fasting and Detoxification.
3. Michael T. Murray. N.D. The Complete Book of Juicing
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